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Medical Information

The school’s nursing office is located in the corridor on the ground floor. If you have any concerns about the well being of your child at our school, please feel free to come and speak to the school authority. We have a full time working school nurse available in the school.

The following notes are a brief summary on school health matters which you may find helpful:

1. Accidents and emergencies:

Should your child require emergency treatment, every effort will be made to contact you. Also, he/she will be given the basic and first aid treatments incase of any emergencies.

2. Medicine at school:

Students are not permitted to carry medicine with them under any circumstances. If your child needs medication at school, please hand it to the school nurse where it will be stored safely in the clinic. You will be required to sign consent for the medicine to be administered by the school nurse and your child will be required to come to the clinic at the appropriate time to take it. You may also provide the school nurse with medicine your child may need at school for an existing condition. Medicine will not be returned to a student under any circumstance it, must be collected by an adult, either the parent / guardian or the teacher.

3. Illness:

To concentrate and function effectively at school, good health is one of the most important aspects. It is therefore important that if your child is unwell, they should rest at home and recuperate fully before returning to school. This is also to reduce cross infection of other students and staff. The medical team will not hesitate to send a student home if they are unwell or considered to be infectious.

4. Immunizations: (Optional)

Every effort should be made to have your child’s vaccinations up to date prior to them starting at Mar Ivanios Bethany Vidyalaya. The Department of Health requires that you submit a copy of your child’s vaccination record to the school nurse.

5. Snack boxes:

To support your child’s concentration at school, please encourage them to have nutritious food in their snack boxes. Students who eat breakfast and have a nutritious diet at school will manage to perform better.

Examples of healthy and filling snacks are:

  • A sandwich with a nutritious filling such as cheese, chicken, tuna, salad, etc.
  • Savoury rice salad
  • Salad snack such as cucumber sticks, carrots, celery
  • Any fruit
  • Yoghurt
  • Healthy drinks: 2 drinks should be packed of which one is water.

Milk (preferably not flavoured) Fruit juice (preferably not sweetened)
Fruit juice diluted in water
* Sweets, cakes and sweet biscuits are strongly discouraged.
* Fizzy drinks and chewing gum are not allowed.


Counseling Services are offered to parents and students by trained Counselors at our Counseling Centre. Parents and students are free to discuss academic, behavioral and personal problems. Confidentiality is always maintained during these sessions. The All Time Counseling Center offers counseling services for students anytime. counselling is a confidential service and school counsellors will check with students, parents before passing on information (such as the results of tests of learning difficulties)to others. Confidentiality will be maintained unless legal requirements, e.g. child protection legislation, override it. Nor will confidentiality be maintained where someone may suffer serious harm from information being withheld.

Mar Ivanios Bethany’s counseling team roles are as follows:

  • Counselling students
  • Assisting parents to make informed decisions about their child’s education
  • Assessing students’ learning and behaviour
  • Assisting schools to identify and address disabilities that affect students’ learning

Parents Communication

Mar Ivanios Bethany Vidyalaya understands that positive interaction between school and home are vital to a child’s development and education. MIBV thus provides a variety of parent programmes aimed at enhancing the relationship between parents, children and the school.

MIBV Parent Relationship Programmers include:

  • Regular communication between school and home
  • Weekly updates on our websites
  • Email updates from teaching staff to parents
  • SMS messaging to inform of important events / reminders
  • High service standards emulating the hospitality industry
  • Parent forums and focus groups with Senior members of staff
  • Information seminars / curriculum meetings
  • Regular teacher / parent consultations